Wellness Committee Update

According to a study published in JAMA in 2018, 25% of Americans spend more than 8 hours a day sitting, and 44% said they do no moderate to vigorous physical activity each week. Furthermore, the World Health Organization found that depression and anxiety cost the global economy around $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. Statistics like these are a part of why J&J Editorial values and encourages work-life balance and healthy habits among our employees. Key to this goal are the initiatives of the Wellness Committee.

Since 2016, the J&J Wellness Committee has created challenges and events that provide fellow employees with opportunities to improve their mental and physical health, both in and out of the office. They aim to promote company morale, increase cross-division engagement, encourage positive habits among employees, and raise awareness about health concerns.

Wellness Committee Members
J&J Wellness Committee (from left to right) Megan McCarty, Allison Herrera, Erin Valentine, and William Lavelle


Events range from competitive challenges to potlucks as well as more traditional health initiatives. The recent flu shot clinic drew more than 50 participants—score one for herd immunity! By hosting a variety of events, the Wellness Committee strives to offer something for everyone.

An office favorite is the biannual Step Challenge. Top steppers are rewarded for their efforts—and there’s nothing like a little friendly competition to get folks moving! Even J&J Senior Partner Julie Nash has her motivational rubber ducks on display, a recognition from last year’s Individual Step Challenge.

Ducks in a line
Julie Nash loves health and wellness initiatives

“I love these challenges—they break up our normal routine and give folks a chance to actually get to know others across the company. We can all get caught up in our projects and busy schedules, but it’s important to take time to interact with each other on a personal basis,” said member Megan McCarty with a smile while she spoke about past step challenges.



The values of the committee may be best summarized by member Erin Valentine: “Our goal is for the Wellness Committee to be well-rounded. Wellness isn’t just physical health. It includes mental health, stress management, and encouraging well-being in and out of the office.”

To that end, Erin led the committee in launching our latest initiative, Mental Health Week. Employees took part in a group yoga class, and a public Microsoft Teams channel allowed coworkers to share their experiences and offer each other support. A highlight of the week included Catie Sharpe’s presentation on impostor syndrome. Sharpe acknowledged the common experience of feeling like a “fraud” despite external evidence of one’s accomplishments, and she offered strategies to promote inclusive workplace culture and help those who feel like impostors.

Living in our fast-paced, work-obsessed world can cause us to forget that we need rest and care. We are not robots behind screens, and so we need to take care to treat our bodies and minds better than our laptops. J&J Editorial understands that employees are the nucleus of every business and is proud to make health and happiness a top priority.